Job details view

From the web app, you can click on a job to get the job’s details view.

This view allows you to see the results of all tests being executed under this job, as well as any additional relevant information.

Tests tab

This tab shows the list of all test points defined under the job as well as corresponding test verdicts for each test point.

You may also filter by test outcome simply by clicking on the color-coded verdict in the progress bar at the top of the list.

Result summary

To view additional information on a specific result, click on the corresponding verdict to open the Result side panel.

From this panel, you can

    1. See the result summary
    2. Download the result files
    3. Download or add an attachment
    4. Read and write a comment

Result details

For a deeper analysis, click on Go to Result Details

Details tab

This tab displays additional information related to the job, such as Creation date, Test configurations and Properties.

All the information displayed in the Details tab is read-only.

Additional actions

Share the URL

If your colleagues have access to the same workspace within EXFO Exchange, you can share a specific job or result with them simply by sharing the URL of the relevant page.

Change job status

Job status is useful to identify which jobs are not started, in progress or completed.

Jobs marked as Completed will not be visible on the mobile, FTB or MaxTester. If a job has already been assigned to someone and is marked as Completed afterwards, it will be deleted.

To change the status of the job, simply click on the status indicator and select the appropriate status.

Assign the job

The person(s) assigned to a particular job can be updated as follows: 

  1. Click on the button
  2. Type/select the names of the assignees
  3. Existing assignees can be removed as needed
  4. Click on Save

   If the assignee cannot be found on the list, check whether the said assignee has access to the current workspace (or a parent workspace).

For more information on managing access, please refer to Members and roles.

Delete the job

Jobs can be deleted ob by clicking on next to the status indicator and then selecting Delete job.

If the job is already assigned and/or in progress, deleting it will also delete all existing results (including binary files), attachments and comments.

Furthermore, these jobs will be removed from the assignee’s mobile, FTB or MaxTester and unsyched results will be discarded.

This action cannot be undone. All associated data will be permanently deleted.