Viewing jobs

Jobs in EXFO Exchange can be used to plan work ahead of time and track its progress, either for your own team or one of your contractors or build partners. Jobs can also be used to better identify the tests being executed on your network.



A job defines a list of tests to be executed by one or more assignees. It can also include additional properties, such as the company or customer, the location, and the due date at which the work is expected to be completed.

Test point

A test point usually represents a network asset to be tested, as part of your network topology. It could be as simple as a Cable ID and Fiber ID, or as complex as the TIA-606 cable labeling standard.

Test type

A test type identifies the type of test you wish to do on a specific test point, such as: Fiber inspection (FIP), Fiber characterization (OTDR, iOLM, OLTS, OLX) or Optical power or loss (OPM)

From the web app

You can view all jobs defined in EXFO Exchange from the web application, via the Jobs page.

From this page, you can see a summary of  each job : assignees, status, current progress, total number of tests, number of failed results and number of days left (based on the due date).

You can also click on a job’s name for a detailed view.

The Jobs page will display all jobs available in the current workspace and all its sub-workspaces.

You can get more details on the progression of each job by hovering over the progress indicator.

Additional actions from the job list

You can search for a specific job 

Filter by job status

or show/hide specific columns

From the mobile app

You can view all jobs assigned to you in any workspace from the mobile application, via the Jobs page.

From this page, you can see a summary for each job, including current progress, total number of tests, due date (in red if past due) and number of comments (if any).

You can also top on a job for a detailed view.

The Jobs page will display only jobs you are assigned to in the current workspace, which are NOT marked as completed

From the FTB and MaxTester

You can view jobs assigned to you in any workspace from the EXFO Exchange app on the FTB and MaxTester.

From the Jobs page, you can see a summary for each job. Including current progress, total number of tests, due date (in red if past due) and an indicator which tells you if the job is synchronized or not.

The Jobs page will display only jobs you are assigned to available in the current workspace, which are NOT marked as Completed