Share results

You can also share results with your colleagues by either copying the URL, generate a report or export the result files.

Share the URL

If your colleagues have access to the same workspace within EXFO Exchange, you can share them a specific result by simply sending them the URL of the Result Details page.

Generate a report

Generating a report

  1. First, select the right workspace and go the Result page.
  2. Select all the results you wish to include in your report by clicking on their respective checkbox and click on Create Report.
  3. In the dialog, you will need to specify a report name, the report type, format and sorting order.

Report options

Report type

    • Single: one page or tab per result
    • Summary: table with all results

Report format: PDF or Excel

Sort by

    • Identifiers: Sorted by test identifiers (e.g. Cable ID, Fiber ID, etc.)
    • Test date: Sorted by local test date & time

Result images: Include or not images such as iOLM link view, OTDR trace graph and FIP images

Attached photos: Include or not pictures taken by the technician

Comments: Include or not comments related to each result

Geolocation: Include or not GPS coordinates for to each result (when available)

Export files

Exporting test results

  1. First, select the right workspace and go the Result page.
  2. Select all the results you wish to export and click on Export.
  3. A dialog should appear to confirm your action and explaining that all files related to the selected results will be packaged in a ZIP file and available for download.
  4. The download should start after you click Export.

ZIP file content

  • The results in binary format, which you can open in FastReporter 3. e.g. .cmax2, .iolm, .trc, .olts
  • File attachments. e.g. PDF report, pictures
  • a JSON file for each result